Launching Innovation for Financial Services


Digital Campaign, Editorial Design, Social

SapientRazorfish needed to establish themselves as a leader in digital transformation for the financial services industry. To do this, we published a report on the rapid pace of change in the industry, and the need for companies to stay ahead by innovating.

A digital PDF allowed business development leads to share the white paper with industry executives personally.


Responsive Landing Page

In addition to the digital paper, the report was available online as a responsive landing page, where contact information was collected from new leads.

Infographic Emails

A pair of emails to strategic contacts touched on data from our report, effectively driving readers to the landing page for more of our thinking.

Social Reach

Twitter posts and a paid campaign on LinkedIn helped reach new leads, driving them back to the article landing page to read more.

15% above industry standard email open rate

79% email read rate, including from notable industry leaders

High click-through rate for LinkedIn paid content